HQL means Object Query Language. You can query and browse Cyclone data using the JBoss interface. This is a really powerful and easier way to query and browse the data than using SQL or SQL browser. Objects underlying Cyclone make it really easier to access data than biowarehouse for example.
- In Eclipse, open the menu Window>Open perspective>Other... and select in the popup window 'Hibernate Console'.
- In the 'Hibernate Configurations' tab (top left panel), right click and select 'Add configuration'
- Enter the following parameters:
Name: Cyclone
Property file: /Cyclone_1.0b/hbm/cyclone/hibernate.properties
Configuration file: Nothing to enter!
Entity resolver: Nothing to enter!
In the 'Mapping file' area, 'Add' all the files in
/Cyclone_1.0b/classes/fr/cns/genoscope/nemo/cyclone/db/generated/ . To do so, click on the first file found 'AbbrevName.hbm.xml' and shift click on the last one 'Year.hbm.xml', then click 'Ok'.
In the 'Class path' area, 'add JARs/Dir', all the following files:
/lib/mysql/mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar or your favorite rdbms JDBC
/lib/jaxb/*.jar /lib/hyperjaxb2/hyperjaxb2.jar Then click Finish.
Now in the Hibernate Configurations tab, you should see the created configuration Cyclone.
- In this tab, Right click on Cyclone and select menu 'HQL Scratchpad'`
- In the opened tab, write for example: select g.Values from Gene g
You should get the result in the 'Hibernate Query Result' tab on the bottom of the screen instantly.
Some other examples of simple queries: select count(distinct r.FrameId) from GeneralizedReactions r